Kaylar Chan

Kaylar Chan
De base Member
Kaylar Chan
British Columbia
I am a musician, saxophonist, film composer, visual artist, and a leading member of rage-funk 5-piece Raincity. I enjoy genre-bending, euphoric saxophone tones, chilled out vocals, and sparkling textures, though I am also one to rip it heavy. My kaleidoscope of influences is found in anime, space fantasy, psychedelica, video games, and vapourwave.
Film Composer, Visual Artist
Artiste, Chanteuse, Musicienne de tournée
Artiste, Instrumentaliste, Interprète, Chanteuse, Musicienne de studio, Musicienne de tournée
  • Saxophone
  • Chanteuse
Co-Autrice/Compositrice, Autrice/Compositrice, Top line
Rock Alternatif, Blues, Classique, Dub, Électronique, Expérimental, Funk, Grunge, Hip Hop, Rock Indé, Jazz, Métal, Minimaliste, Pop, Psychédélique, Punk, R&B, Rap, Soul
Enseignant(e) | Éducatrice
Raincity, 6, Saxophonist/Vocalist