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Delaney Lyngard

Premium Member Delaney Lyngard
Premium Member
Delaney Lyngard
British Columbia
While other children were attending daycare, I was running around in nightclubs, soundchecks, concerts and music festivals. The entertainment industry goes beyond a career - it's my entire life! My passion is to take events, businesses and creativity to another level. I want to be on the edge of innovation with a team in the industry and community. I use my skills of creativity, project and operations management, research and development to work with Canadian music festivals, merch design, technology initiatives, planning, and grants. When I am not roaming around with a walkie-talkie onsite, I find myself learning new design technology, art, digital illustrations, instructing, writing and travelling.
Gérante d'artiste, Responsable en A&R, Chargée de projet, Relations publiques
Backline, Directrice de production
Créatrice de contenu
Rock Alternatif, Blues, Expérimental, Folk, Funk, Grunge, Hip Hop, House, Rock Indé, Métal, New Wave, Pop, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Soul
Anglais, Autre