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Kim Fry

Premium Member Kim Fry
Premium Member
Kim Fry
Nouvelle Ecosse
MDE Canada (Music Declares Emergency Canada)
Kim Fry lives by the Atlantic ocean in Kjipuktuk/Halifax in Mi'kma'ki. Kim has been working on climate and environmental issues for over 30 years. She helped to co-found the Canadian chapter of Music Declares Emergency where she gets to connect her biggest passions: music, climate and education. Music Declares Emergency is a non-profit organization that helps provide resources and expertise to address the climate crisis and mitigate environmental impacts to the Canadian music industry. Kim spent over a decade as an activist and environmental educator/naturalist working for a number of Environmental Organizations after doing two degrees in Environmental Studies at York University. Kim has worked as a music manager and was the recipient of the national David Suzuki teaching award (environmental inquiry) and an Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario award for her environmental leadership.

Kim organized the first ever Canadian Music Climate Summit and over the last two years has become one of the go-to people in Canada for thinking about actions the music industry can take to address the climate and ecological crisis.
Gérante d'artiste, Curatrice de musique, Chargée de projet, Promotion
Sustainability and Education
Membre d'un conseil d'administration, Panéliste, Comité stratégique, Consultante, Enseignant(e) | Éducatrice