Emily Milling

Emily Milling
De base Member
Emily Milling
Emily Milling is a comedic artist from Toronto, Canada. A graduate of the Second City Conservatory program, Emily is 1/5th of the comedy sketch troupe Big Chick Energy Sketch, and 1/2 of the comedy video duo Pineapple Skeleton. Emily has a long history of producing music, including the score for the feature film she produced, Impossible Horror, and the radio play podcast VRMP Radio Presents: The Five People You Meet In Hell. Take Your Life More Seriously is Emily’s first comedic music album.
Artiste, Chanteuse
Artiste, Interprète, Chanteuse
  • Guitare
  • Clavier
  • Chanteuse
Beat-makeuse, Co-Autrice/Compositrice, Autrice, Autrice/Compositrice
Réalisatrice de vidéoclips, Montage de vidéoclips et/ou de contenus visuels en ligne, Créatrice de contenu
Mixer, Productrice
Électronique, Hip Hop, Rock Indé, Pop