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Jessica Deutsch


Where were you at in your music career when you had your first child? Was there much discussion about how that life choice would affect your career within the music/entertainment industry?

I totally accept that some things have to change, but I'm hopeful that I can return to the fun gigs and tours when my baby is a bit older. I had reached the most stable time in my music career when I decided to get pregnant. I was 37 at the time, and have been playing violin full-time since I was 25, so it took a lot of hard work to make it to that point! I have solid connections and deep friendships with many artists, so I felt like I had stuff to return to after a maternity hiatus. I also was intentionally making new connections while I was pregnant because I wanted to make string arranging and recording a larger part of my career. It's something I do a lot of from my studio at home, but it's even more appealing now because I can do it between breastfeeds while my husband takes care of my son.

As a working parent in the music industry, what are some of the biggest challenges you are facing?

My son is only 4.5 months old so I've just done a handful of gigs, but none at night. I don't want to be away from him after bedtime right now, because he needs me. I'm excited to gig and tour again, but I realize the schedule is hard with a baby waking up in the night and early in the morning. If I tour, I need to bring an additional caregiver at my own expense. My husband is also a musician/producer, and we play in some bands together, so that can't really happen until our son is old enough for a babysitter. I'd love to do more daytime gigs, and I wish there were more opportunities to perform in the afternoon at diverse venues, in Toronto and on tour. My son could come to the shows and experience them!

What is one change (big or small) within the industry that could make a positive impact for working parents?

Childcare! Daycares for odd schedules, child-friendly play/nap zones at venues, funding for artist parents, childcare at the Banff Centre, and government-sponsored maternity leave pay for self-employed artists.

How do you find support and community with other working parents in or out of the music industry?

People have been happy to hold my son while I play gigs, so the community is awesome for that. Other parents are so helpful with supplies, advice, and understanding. I feel like once people become parents, they are automatically more generous and patient, so it's been nice to witness that.

What’s one specific example of an organization/venue/company doing something great to help support working parents?

I can't think of anything, unfortunately! I'm sure they're out there, but not that I'm aware of. I see lots of individuals doing things to make changes and advocating for themselves.

What could a music event (festival, conference, etc.), do or provide to make it easier for you to participate?

Provide babysitting as a service, not an additional expense. Just someone to hold or watch my son while I'm performing and sound-checking would make everything more possible for me.

Can you shout out another music mama doing great things?

Charlotte Cornfield! Her daughter is 8 months older than my son, and she's been passing down baby gear and so much knowledge. She's also been taking her daughter on tour since the early days, and I think she's a hero for that!