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Amy Millan


Where were you at in your music career when you had your first child? Was there much discussion about how that life choice would affect your career within the music/entertainment industry?

I always thought about “having a baby” I forgot about the whole “growing up” thing that would happen. I’m not a very good chess player - I don’t think many moves in advance! I also had some fertility issues so it took quite a bit longer to get pregnant than I was anticipating. I was 36 and stars had just released THE FIVE GHOSTS. We were doing quite extensive touring at the time. I loved being pregnant! Evan (baby daddy) while discussing having kids-he would always improvise a baby crying whenever we were in annoying touring situations, like in a non-moving line getting on a very hot airplane. It was funny. I wanted a family and so we went for it! Turns out the baby doesn’t ALWAYS cry.

As a working parent in the music industry, what are some of the biggest challenges you are facing?

Leaving them or bringing them on tour. I hate leaving them but bringing them can increase the financial burdens of touring expenses and also disrupt their schooling (turns out they grow up!). We try to balance the best we can but I hate leaving them. Evan and I play in both stars and broken social scenes, so it means both parents will be absent which is stressful. We have a great community of helpers. I have taken a big break from touring because of this stress but I can say I have taken my kids all over the world and that has been very cool!

What is one change (big or small) within the industry that could make a positive impact for working parents?

Universal Subsidized daycare (which I think is coming!). We have this in Montreal and we could not have continued without it.
I think universal basic income would be a game-changing event in this country and I advocate for it. Especially as an artist where money ebbs and flows, it would be helpful in the ebb moments.

How do you find support and community with other working parents in or out of the music industry?

I am deeply indebted to the incredible posse I have in my life. My sister friend Jenny Whiteley jumped in to join a tour to take care of my kids (and also me) when we were in a major bind and she continues to be the village angel and helps whenever I ask and my kids think of her as family. In Montreal, I have a crew of parents who are writers, filmmakers, and musicians all of who are dear friends who have stepped up so many times in many different capacities to help life move smoothly and sometimes more importantly, be there just to commiserate on the trials and tribulations. The village is real and I would be a shell without it.

What’s one specific example of an organization/venue/company doing something great to help support working parents?

Stars. We are a democracy and there are six active members. Since I had kids there was never any doubt that any costs Evan and I had to tour and care for our children would be written and added to the budget. That is rare. Flights, childcare, and hotel rooms were always respected to be a part of the expenses. There was never any person in the band that ever showed any resentment about that. They have been the company that has shown the most support towards Evan and I being able to continue. And although it should be commonplace it is not and for that, I feel deep gratitude to my business partners.

What could a music event (festival, conference, etc.), do or provide to make it easier for you to participate?

Child care is part of the rider. Retainer for child care. Money for child care.

Can you shout out another music mama doing great things?

I have to say at this moment Anna Ruddick is blowing my mind. She has three kids, one being almost a newborn and she just finished working in Tom Wilson’s play “Beautiful Scars” where I think she did eleven shows a week! In a city she doesn’t live in! She also plays in numerous bands and her resilience and excellence is truly exceptional. She deserves an award. Shout out also to Jud her man (and also her village!) who I am sure are doing much to make it all happen. PROPS!!!