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Carly Klassen

Alberta Music

Where were you at in your music career when you had your first child? Was there much discussion about how that life choice would affect your career within the music/entertainment industry?

I’d already been in the role of an executive director for a number of years at the point when I had my child, but the thought of stepping away from such a fast-paced industry made me nervous. I was worried I would quickly lose touch with the community and possibly not be taken as seriously when I returned to my role, after my mat-leave. Not to mention, my partner works full time as a musician and in film and TV, so we knew there would be some major life adjustments both financially and lifestyle. Oh – and it was in the middle of COVID when there was so much uncertainty overall. My board was so supportive during my pregnancy and with my decision to take a 13-month maternity leave, something that alleviated so much stress I was putting on myself.

As a working parent in the music industry, what are some of the biggest challenges you are facing?

A work/life balance within this industry is already challenging enough; trying to navigate the irregular working hours, events and travel. Then add in the irregular schedule that comes with a toddler - I love it, I signed up for it, but it is still difficult to traverse. Even with the support I have in place with my partner, my parents and other family – I am always feeling like I am asking too much just so I can continue to pursue my career. Always feel that 'mom' guilt.

What is one change (big or small) within the industry that could make a positive impact for working parents?

It would be so incredible to have childcare available at industry conferences. But of course, then you’re looking at both a daytime and nighttime schedule which would pose several problems. Personally, I would utilize something like that in a domestic, or regional scenario. The ability to work from home has been and continues to alleviate some of the stresses, although working from home in the presence of a toddler is not all that conducive to productivity! Hats off to the parents that can make that work!

How do you find support and community with other working parents in or out of the music industry?

Just knowing and seeing other parents do it, day in and day out is inspiring. It’s nice to be able to talk to associates about how parenthood has changed our lives commiserate about the challenges and celebrate the triumphs.

Can you shout out another music mama doing great things?

Since becoming a mom I have grown such an overwhelming amount of respect for the mothers who work so hard pursuing their career, putting in hours, late into the night after their child has gone to bed and still.