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Tyler Tasson

Amazon Music

Where were you at in your music career when you had your first child? Was there much discussion about how that life choice would affect your career within the music/entertainment industry?

When I had my son, I was an entrepreneur running my own business so I (wrongfully) thought it would be a lot easier to have a child in that scenario. Instead, I was on a conference call while in labour and had to start working within 6 weeks of having him! I should have thought it out a bit more for sure but it was tough.

As a working parent in the music industry, what are some of the biggest challenges you are facing?

It’s so hard to balance the responsibilities of being a parent and wanting to be present with your kids, with the pressure around attending all of the industry events, shows, festivals, and conferences. There’s always a concern lingering that you’ll be passed over for opportunities because your ability to be extremely flexible and reactive has diminished, which is such a huge part of working in music.

What is one change (big or small) within the industry that could make a positive impact for working parents?

Earlier show times? Haha, I actually find this a super hard question as I don’t think the industry as a whole is set up to support parents and families at all. I feel like it’s more about the community at large needing to accept different dynamics and taking that hustle culture/pressure away from everyone so people don’t feel guilty when they can’t attend everything.

How do you find support and community with other working parents in or out of the music industry?

It’s honestly been pretty organically, although I wish there were more resources, even like Facebook groups to tap into. Parents in the music industry are so happy to help one another, it would be great to have an easy way for everyone to tap into that anytime.

What’s one specific example of an organization/venue/company doing something great to help support working parents?

Amazon has a great network for families to connect, ask questions, and find resources. I find myself commiserating with moms around the globe on our Slack channel and it’s been incredibly helpful for me as I’ve ventured back into corporate life.

What could a music event (festival, conference, etc.), do or provide to make it easier for you to participate?

For conferences to offer more virtual drop-in options that have interactive elements to it - like participating in the Q&A with the IRL folks, being on screen, etc. But honestly, it’s more of the balancing act of being a parent and trying to find that middle ground. I go to a lot less these days but it means I get much better at prioritizing my time.

Can you shout out another music mama doing great things?

Early on (and still to this day) I leaned a lot on Caroline of the Good Lovelies. She and her bandmate Sue are great examples of music moms who have made it work and have been incredible at being a true north on how to find the balance.