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International Women's Day

WIM Canada along with partners FACTOR, The Government of Canada, Ontario Creates and The City of Toronto, CIMA and CFM present a day of hands-on workshops and speaker sessions, March 7, 2023. With sessions featuring incredible leaders here to share their expertise, this is a day to come out and be inspired. 

Sign up for sessions you wish to attend, or for the whole day and join us for great conversation and connection in honour of International Women's Week. All sessions will be held at The Academy at 80A at Universal Music Canada (80 Atlantic Ave, Toronto, ON)

Attendance is free for all. Women in Music Canada values diversity, equity and inclusion, and welcome's attendees from diverse backgrounds.

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Creative Asset Reviews
9:30 - 11:00 AM

Submit your links for live asset reviews from pros. These marketing and publicity proswill review submitted online assess and provide tips and tricks to increase reach, impact and ultimately revenue generation. This session is designed to be fruitful for those being reviewed and others as themes and best practices are discussed. 

*All who have registered as of Feb 23 will be sent a link to upload materials for review. 


Amanda McCauley - Indoor Recess - Host

Melissa Vincent - Music Journalist & Creative Producer / Polaris Music Prize

Stacey Bedford - Bandzoogle

Vanessa Adora - TikTok

Becoming Export Ready
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

While Canada is an incredibly large market, most artists get to a point in their career where they look to new markets, to showcasing, applying for travel funding, building new teams and generally exporting their music. But what do you need to be 'export ready'? To qualify for export funding, to be of interest to international buyers and to jump on a plane prepared to have a successful export market business? This panel of international industry experts will demystify what you should have in order before packing your bags; what export means for artists, how to prepare, and how industry knows when an artist is ready to enter their territory. using case studies for real examples.

Sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Musicians


Maureen Rpillane - The Unison Fund (Host)

Maude St-Amand Courcy - Mundial Montreal

Liana White - CFM

Noreen Hamid - Creative Producer & Director of Publicity / notNoreen

Fireside Chat Lunch - Catered
12:15 - 1:15 PM (chat begins at 12:30)

The music industry has spoken, its time for a more equitable ecosystem. A. Harmony will sit down with Faryal Kahl-Thompson (TuneCore) and Voula Vagdatis (Universal Music) to talk about how changing the faces of leadership will change a companies culture and create a ripple effect of positive benefit to all areas of a business.

Host: A. Harmony


Faryal Khan-Thompson - TuneCore

Voula Vagdatis - Universal Music Canada

Equity, Music, and Technology presented by CIMA
1:15 - 2:15 PM

With its upswings and challenges — when it comes to working with and engaging new technology. Often these conversations get stuck on the topic of existing and emergent social media. This mix of industry professionals, an academic voice, will look beyond that scope to instead include the changing material relationships with tech, how harm may be embedded in innocuous ways, what are the lesser-known, game-changing platforms that people should be thinking about and using, how to improve digital hygiene in order to improve burnout.


Melissa Vincent - Music Journalist & Creative Producer / Polaris Music Prize - Host

Michelle Da Silva - Journalist

Noreen Hamid - Creative Producer & Director of Publicity / notNoreen


Finance, Legal & Admin for Live Music Sector (LIVE STREAMED SESSION)
2:30 - 4:30 PM

From vision to delivery, a solid budget, financial plan, and legal details need to be administered to ensure success. In this hands-on workshop experts will walk through the important building blocks to have in place and share their tips and tricks on budgeting for live, financial planning, managing tax data collection, filing, invoicing, and legal processes. All participants will receive templates to be used in future projects including budget templates and tips package.

Keynote: Vanessa Hoffer, Production Manager - Live Nation Canada

Panel Speakers: Samantha Slattery - Capital Consulting

Vanessa Thomas - Sound Royalties

Juliet Dun - TD Niagara Jazzfest

Tai Notar - Golden Hour Productions

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