About:À propos de : Karen Fowlie
Imagine, if you will, a woman with a compelling voice singing to the music of her acoustic guitar. "All that we need is this moment in time...." In the next moment you become aware of a small band around you weaving sound a light together with such passion that it is all you can do to relax, sit back and enjoy the grand journey together.
Karen has been presenting shows for over twenty years and is an award-winning songwriter from Vancouver.
Work ExperienceL'expérience professionnelle
Links to workLiens vers le travail
Industry ExperienceExpérience industrielle
Other ExperienceAutre expérience
Enseignant(e) | Éducatrice
Artiste, Chanteuse, Musicienne de tournée
Artiste, Instrumentaliste, Interprète, Chanteuse, Musicienne de studio, Musicienne de tournée
- Guitare
- Harmonica
- Clavier
- Piano
- Chanteuse
SongwritingÉcriture de chansons
Co-Autrice/Compositrice, Autrice, Autrice/Compositrice
Karen Fowlie's GenresGenre
Rock Alternatif, Classique, Country, Folk, Rock Indé, Pop